Pizza Italiana

Pizza with Fried Eggs / Pizza alle Uova
Page 20
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: eggs tomato pizza fried eggs
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Yes, really. Actually it resembles a pie more than a pizza, though it does use pizza dough, tomatoes and mozzarella. Like a pie, you make this pizza in a round baking tin with edges and shape a border about 3cm high; then add tomato cubes, lots and lots and lots of mozzarella and a few flavourings, and bake until done; then break a few eggs on top and continue baking until the eggs are cooked.
Unfortunately, as you may have guessed, the pizza contained way too much mozzarella. All this cheese made it incredibly easy and hard to digest. I had expected that we would share the pizza during one meal, instead, we just managed a half of the pizza and had the other half for dinner tonight; not necessarily a meal I was looking forward to. Also, the pizza was pretty soggy. I'm not quite sure where that liquid came from, my guess would be the tomatoes. I would recommend making a sauce and reducing the amount of liquid in the tomatoes; alternatively, you could also add a spoonful of tomato concentrate for flavour (but then you still have the problem with the excessive liquid).
The pizza also specified chopped anchovies, but only 6 of them - with that amount of cheese, you need more of them (though that might be different if you use tomato concentrate and less cheese). Another idea would be to salt the eggs directly to give them more flavour. I had hoped this would be something similar to a shakshuka, but then with a base and without the peppers; but it's not.
We used the recipe for the basic pizza dough given in the book.
(edited 14th August 2013) (0) comment (0) useful
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