Website: Epicurious

Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake
| Course Type: Cakes
Tags: zucchini challenge
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
A nice moist cake, which used up about 9 oz zucchini, and hid it well. The inclusion of walnuts and chocolate chips gave it flavor and texture, and made this cake appealing to the adults and teenagers in the house.
I discovered I was nearly out of butter, and so for half the butter I substituted coconut oil. There was no obvious coconut flavor in the final product (though I think it would have been great), and while I think the batter was softer than it would have been with butter (because my room was mid-80s, and the coconut oil was very soft), it does not seem to have detracted from the final product.
I baked this in a bundt pan, and felt that I had no need for frosting or glaze.
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