Website: Marions Kochbuch

Cuisine: German/Austrian/Swiss | Course Type: Jams/Preserves
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
I made a couple of Apple Jellies recently, and based them loosely on this recipe. I cooked the apples longer than 15 min (more 30-45 min), though I'm not quite sure what kind of effect that had - in any case I ended up with a lot more juice than she did, but that might also have been due to the type of apple used. And I added one extra ingredient per jelly, namely rosemary, thyme, Earl Grey or Lapsang Souchong.
More specifically, I used:
895g juice from Rode Goudreinette apples
450g 2:1 preserving sugar
110ml strong Earl Grey (steeped no longer than 3 min, added at the very end)
777g juice from Rode Goudreinette apples
350g 2:1 preserving sugar
110ml strong Lapsang Souchong
1190g juice from Jonagold apples
540g 2:1 preserving sugar
3 twigs of very fresh rosemary (added during the last 10 min)
(I forgot to take notes for the Apple Thyme Jelly).
The Earl Grey, thyme and rosemary jellies turned out very, very nicely (the rosemary jelly is perhaps a bit too strong).
As it happens, Apple Lapsang Souchong Jelly isn't going to be made again; while I was making it, DH remarked it's smoky flavour reminded him of bacon, and I do get why he thought so. Now that the jelly has cooled down, I don't get the bacon flavour, but it's still not a favourite.
(edited 15th October 2013) (0) comment (0) useful
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