Roast Figs, Sugar Snow: Food to Warm the Soul

Roasted Spare Rib Chops with Pears, Onions and Melting Gorgonzola
Page 114
| Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: pork pears blue cheese pork with fruit onions pork chops rosemary
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Quite nice; I especially liked the pears and the onions. The first time we made this, the cheese (we found a Gorgonzola-Mascarpone mixture at our supermarket) had been in the oven for too long, and was completely runny. We made it again and only added the cheese for a minute, which was better but perhaps a tad too short. The big problem were the pork chops - both times they ended up being dry, even though we already reduced the time in the oven for the second attempt.
All in all, it reminded me strongly of the Veal with Braised Pears, Roquefort and Sage, and to a lesser extent, Pan-fried Veal Chops with Lemon, Sage and Mascarpone from Falling Cloudberries and Pork Steaks with Lemon and Sage from Real Fast Food.
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