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Horseradish Cream
Page 57
| Course Type: Condiments
Recipe Reviews
kateq from annapolis, md
So good and so rich -- happily, a little goes a long way. There's some magic to the way the sherry vinegar combines with the cream to make a sauce that is so much better than one made with sour cream or creme fraiche. We use this with roast beef sandwiches and with smoked trout.
KimberlyB from Hermosa Beach, CA
This is a great compliment to meat in general. Delicate yet flavorful. Very easy to prepare. I use it with grilled steaks and for leftovers in sandwiches. The fleur de sel really makes a difference in the flavor. I used to use sour cream and horseradish but this is so much better.
(edited 30th July 2010) (0) comment (1) useful
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