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Page 25
Cuisine: German/Austrian/Swiss | Course Type: Soups and Stews
Tags: soup broth dumplings soup with dumplings
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Nice. I wasn't quite sure how it would work - you're supposed to grate the dough, then let it dry for 30 min, but unfortunately the dough was so sticky that it immediately began to form lumps, but ultimately that wasn't a problem. I think these work best with an unsalted broth as they contain little flavourings other than (salty) cheese.
A big advantage of these is that you can prepare them relatively spontaneously as you'll likely have all ingredients at hand (if you always keep some grated cheese in the freezer, as I do), and they're quick to prepare. As I said, you're supposed to let them dry for 30 min - I popped them into the convection oven for a few minutes at about 30°C.
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