The Top One Hundred Pasta Sauces

Spaghetti al Tonno e Limone
Page 82
Recipe Reviews
The Ducks Guts from Melbourne, Vic
Yes, a very good pantry recipe. We leave out the parsley (not being parsley eaters). The variation with the anchovy and chilli works well. I do find 'tho, that the sauce really only makes enough for 2 or 3 servings, but that could be just greed.
This is the kind of recipe you can make with what's in your pantry. I don't know if I've ever experienced this before, but hot tuna... it smells pretty strong. Don't let it put you off, the finished product is delicious. I always like to mention key ingredients if I think a recipe has any you might leave out, and I believe the lemon juice is a key ingredient here. Not so sure I would have liked this flavor without it.
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