Website: Leite's Culinaria

Potato Kibeh

Recipe Reviews
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
We enjoy potatoes almost every way you can cook them and we do enjoy shepherd's pie. The author tells us in the recipe that this is the Arab equivalent of shepherd's pie. This is an easy enough recipe for even a work night supper.
At first it seemed like a lot of onion for the amount of beef but it tasted great once all was assembled. I do like the crunch of the pine nuts but I had a hard time finding them. When I finally did they were in a bag, 1/2 cup size, which was just what I needed but they were almost $6. So unless I can find these in the bulk packages like I use to, this will only be made as a splurge meal. My son actually thought the pine nuts were shoe peg corn until I told him different. Maybe I could substitute that next time.
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