Website: Leite's Culinaria

Roasted Turkey Sandwich with Avocado, Bacon, Onion Marmalade
| Course Type: Other

Recipe Reviews
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
I have one word for this recipe "Awesome". I love the flavors of the sage roasted turkey breast combined with the onion marmalade, crispy bacon and smooth and creamy avocado. A word of caution about the onion marmalade, if you taste this you may not have enough left to go on the sandwiches, it's delicious. The crusty ciabatta rolls gives this sandwich a college education. I can't find the ciabatta rolls in my area so I baked my own from Peter Reinhart's Artisan Bread Everyday. We could hardly wait for the onions and turkey to finish cooking, as the smells in the house were making us begin to drool. I wouldn't change a thing in this recipe and will be making it again and again.
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