Tutto risotto: alles wat je wilt weten over dat bijzondere Italiaanse rijstgerecht

Risotto al tartufo bianco / Risotto with White Truffel
Page 206
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Appetizers
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
A very nice, but also very sophisticated dish. It's indicated as an appetizer serving two; we had a small 15 g tinned winter truffle which was given to us as a present (the recipe requires 30 g fresh white truffle). There were four of us for dinner, so we just made a half recipe and served it more as an amuse than a real appetizer (I even used large plates! :) ). The risotto was very good, though very simple; the instructions are very detailed (as is the whole book), so it can't really go wrong.
The only problem we had was that we didn't have any homemade stock. We bought the best stock we found, but although it's flavour was nice (read: natural) and it didn't seem to contain any chemicals, it made the risotto slightly oversalted. So it's really worth it in this case to make your own stock, and use very little salt!
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