Website: Smitten Kitchen

Simplest Apple Tart


Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

(3 reviews)

Tags: quick apple desserts

Recipe Reviews

8th October 2011

andrew from Vancouver Island, BC

I was looking for a quick apple dessert, saw the reviews of this one and decided to give it a shot. This came together quick quickly - it only took a few minutes to make the pastry and then when it chilled in the fridge I peeled and cored apples. I weighed out two pounds, but was left with 2 1/2 apples after I filled my tart dish, so next time I'll cut back on the fruit a bit. I also used Gravensteins, which I'd bought from a local farm, forgetting that they're better for sauce - so the filling ended up rather squishy. Still, very nice flavour and a nice presentation.

If you like your apple desserts sweet rather than tart, I'd mix a bit more sugar in with the slices before assembling it. I like a bit of tartness, though, so I was fine with a couple of tablespoons of sugar on top. It also took less than an hour to cook - more like 45 minutes.

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6th August 2011


Elegant simplicity, and the perfect dessert to highlight the taste of the apple.

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28th April 2010

BeckyL from Boulder, CO

This really is the simplest apple tart ever! And it tastes so good.

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