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Other edition(s)

Tender: Volume II, A cook's guide to the fruit garden
By Nigel Slater
Fourth Estate - 2010
ISBN: 0007325215

Tender: A Cook and His Vegetable Patch
By Nigel Slater
Ten Speed Press - 2011
ISBN: 1607740370

By Nigel Slater
Fourth Estate - 2011
ISBN: 0007447892

Tender: v. 1: A Cook and His Vegetable Patch

Chicken with Leeks and Lemon

Page 341

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

2nd March 2014

Sovay from Northern England,

|I love the texture of slow-braised leeks so have been planning to try this for a while, and liked it as much as I expected to.

White wine could probably be substituted for the vermouth if necessary, though it wouldn't be quite the same.

(1) useful  


kateq - 2nd March 2014
Doesn't this sound wonderful?! I'm so glad you posted this review; I forget about this book, as much as I like it.


Sovay - 2nd March 2014
It's probably the book I consult most often these days (having taken over that role from Jane Grigson's Vegetable Book) - so useful when I find myself with half a swede or a head of celery to use up, and inspiration refuses to strike ...


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