By Angela Boggiano
Cassell Illustrated - 2006
ISBN: 1844035484

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Shortcrust Pastry

Page 15

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

(1 review)

Tags: pastry quiches pies and tarts shortcrust pastry

Recipe Reviews

15th March 2014

friederike from Berlin,

I can't imagine we haven't made this pastry before! This is the standard pastry recipe given in this book, but looking at the dishes I've made, none of the recipes until now actually used this pastry.

The pastry was quite difficult to roll out, it was very crumbly and got holes easily. It might have been too cold as it had been in the fridge for a few hours; also, against my own instincts I added a second tbsp of water, just because the recipe said "2-3 tbsp water" - in retrospect I of course realize that I shouldn't have done that - always trust your instincts above the recipe!

In the end, however, I was able to make a nice pastry pie lid, and it tasted fine.

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