Website: Guardian Recipes

Monkfish with Sage and Roasted Garlic Recipe
Cuisine: Mediterranean | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: quick garlic sage cod supermarket fish monkfish roasted garlic
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Quite nice! Slightly reminiscent of this recipe, but not quite as flavourful. I was intrigued by the combination of sage with fish, and I must say, it worked very well.
I used cod instead of monkfish as it's way cheaper, and one of the few fishes I can get in the supermarket on a public holiday like yesterday. Cod has a much shorter cooking time so I had to improvise a bit; also, I served this with pasta, so I had to get the timing right that the fish and the pasta were done at exactly the same time. What I did was just fry it in a pan on both sides, then add the sauce and cook it in the sauce just very briefly, then take out the fish fillets and dump the drained pasta in the sauce and mix well. Because the cooking time for the fish was so drastically reduced, I let the sauce simmer separately for at least 10 minutes, if not more. One other thing I changed (though independent of the type of fish used) was that I only used a single bulb of garlic, which translates to 16 cloves instead of 30 - I just didn't dare to go that far.
If I'd make it again (and that's very likely), I would probably do exactly what I did the first time, with a few small exceptions: We felt that the sauce was slightly watery, so I would add less water to the sauce, and possibly a bit more cream; furthermore, I might use stock instead of water; and last, I'd use a few more cloves of garlic, just to see how far I can go without overpowering everything.
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