Website: BBC recipes

Chilli con Carne


Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: chocolate braise peppers minced meat beans kidney beans braised beef FIFA 2014 BLW-proof

Recipe Review

18th June 2014

friederike from Berlin,

Yes, I do realize that Chilli con Carne isn't really Mexican, but TexMex at best, but it was a nice change from the empanadas and Baleadas we've had during the last few days (I seem to be thinking that most of the Central and South American countries will drop out in the group stage - Mexico already proved me wrong last night!).

Anyway, about this dish: I enjoyed it. I made a few changes, using about 450 g peeled and chopped tomatoes instead of the tomato concentrate and the passata, and slightly more beans (500 g instead of 400 g).

I had no idea how much '2 squares 70% dark chocolate, grated' was supposed to be - I know chocolate bars where that could be anything from 10 g to 100 g. Because years ago I made a chocolate-based main dish that went horribly wrong, I decided to start out with just a little, about 10 g, and then take it from there. It was fascinating to notice that even that little completely changed the flavour of the dish, making it a lot more earthy, and quite unexpected (with some eating experience you'll probably know what to expect if a dish contains onions, carrots, beef, beans - add chocolate to that equation and it will turn it into something completely different).

Edited 18. January 2016:
I used 1/2 tsp chilli and 1/2 tsp hot paprika, and it turned out quite a bit hotter than I expected. Luckily, kiddo (at 10.5 months) didn't seem to mind at all! He had a bit of a problem with the green pepper and some pieces of carrot as he wasn't able to chew them yet, but other than that this dish worked surprisingly well. Served with white rice for the adults, and potato-fennel mash for the little guy. We omitted the chocolate and the sour cream, mainly because that ended up on the second page of the recipe and I had stopped reading at that point.

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