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The Essential New York Times Cookbook: Classic Recipes for a New Century

Broiled Lam Leg Chops on Eggplant Planks with Mint-Yogurt Sauce

Page 549

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

23rd June 2014


I had only five little chops, so made a halfish recipe for two.
- The mint-yogurt sauce was a nice touch, but we thought it was too sweet even though I cut back the honey. Next time I'll skip that altogether, but maybe add a teeny bit of finely minced garlic.
- The eggplant slices were oiled, S&Ped, and had minced garlic pressed into the side that was down for the first bit of broiling. They were good and not as oily as they can be. A good way to cook them.
- The lamb chops were coated with coriander seeds, black pepper, and salt. Instead of crushing and grinding these, I whizzed them all in my spice grinder, stopping before it turned to powder. The chops are broiled, then rested while the eggplant cooked.
Very nice flavors, attractive presentation, a nice meal.

(2) useful  


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