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Bell Peppers Stuffed with Minced Meat and Rice in a Tomato Sauce / Gefüllte Paprika mit Hackfleisch und Reis in Tomatensauce


| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: rice home cooking peppers minced meat comfort food stuffed stuffed peppers BLW-proof

Recipe Reviews

12th July 2014

friederike from Berlin,

I actually made this recipe around Christmas, when we were on a vacation for a week with the whole family. It worked very well, and was really easy to do even in a minimalistically equipped kitchen, and with very few ingredients (ie no need to buy lots of spices etc).

Works for baby led weaning, if your kid is able to eat from a spoon; if it's a young one, go easy on the rice, though, or use brown rice.

(edited 4th November 2015) (0) comment (0) useful  

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