Good and Cheap
Savory Summer Cobbler
Page 78
| Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
I made a half recipe of this, easy and good.
- I mixed the veggies in a bowl, then baked in two individual casseroles. Remembering how much volume baked veggies lose, the casserole(s) should be heaped full.
- This is a really versatile recipe, all kinds of veggies, herbs, odds and ends could be used, as long as they roast in about the same time. (E.g., carrots and zukes won't work unless you parboil the carrots, which make the whole thing a bit more work.) Mushrooms would be good. Bits of cooked meat (ham?) could be mixed in after the first roasting if you've got some to be used.
- The cobbler topping, sort of biscuits is a good addition.
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