Mein Landrezept
Pickled Gherkins with Chilli and Tarragon / Eingelegte Gurken mit Chili und Estragon
Page 103
| Course Type: Condiments
Tags: pickles preserve gherkins
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friederike from Berlin,
They were okay, but definitely not as nice as the ones I made according to my aunt's recipe. These ones contained way too many different ingredients, especially spices, so they didn't actually taste of anything specific. I also noticed that the chilli didn't add any hotness, but instead it added that flavour typical for peppers pickled in vinegar - not something I enjoy. Also, I figured I prefer sweet and sour pickled gherkins.
Edited 15 November 2014:
Actually, the gherkins in some of the jars ended up being quite hot! DH is starting to like these more than my aunt's recipe; I might try tweaking her recipe next year to make it suit both of our palates.
(edited 15th November 2014) (0) comment (0) useful
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