Mein Landrezept
Cookbooker members own 1 issues of Mein Landrezept.
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Recent Reviews
Pickled Gherkins with Chilli and Tarragon / Eingelegte Gurken mit Chili und Estragon reviewed by friederike from March, 2014
They were okay, but definitely not as nice as the ones I made according to my aunt's recipe. These ones contained way too many different ingredients, especially spices, so they didn't actually taste of anything specific. I also noticed that the chilli...
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Garlic Cloves in Olive Oil / Knoblauchzehen in Öl reviewed by friederike from March, 2014
What were they thinking? I made this recipe, which basically consists in filling jars with garlic cloves and herbs and salt, then pouring olive oil over it. And that's it.
Half an hour later I happened to come across a website that warned that you shouldn't...
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