By Jane Grigson
Grub Street Cookery - 2008
ISBN: 190494387X

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Other edition(s)

Good Things (At Table)
By Jane Grigson
Bison Books - 2006
ISBN: 0803259719

Good Things
By Jane Grigson
Folio Society - 2009


Beans with Cream and Celery

Page 183

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

24th August 2014

Sovay from Northern England,

This tasted fine but the method of cooking the beans didn't work for me. They were to be boiled (after soaking) uncovered in just enough water to reach the top of the beans, so that when cooked most of the water would be gone, but I found they simply did not soften enough. I had to top up the water several times and after an hour and a half of this they were still distinctly crunchy (though cooked). Since the contrast between the crisp celery and soft beans is an important characteristic of the dish this is clearly not what's supposed to happen.

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