The Italian Slow Cooker
By Michele Scicolone
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - 2010
ISBN: 054700303X

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The Italian Slow Cooker

Calamari Soup

Page 42

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

26th February 2018


4.5 even

- This was DEElicious, a nice thick soup with squid rings, rice, potatoes, carrots, celery, and peas. My calamari were quite overdue to be used after too long in the freezer. No matter.
- I had about 600g of squid, so made about a 2/3 recipe. We both thought the 1/2" rings were unwieldy. Might be better to cut them into bite-sized chunks, which is what we did at table.
- Low in my old crockpot was not sufficient to cook the potatoes and carrots. I put it on High at some point during the cooking. To finish, I turned it all into a Dutch oven before adding the peas, rice, and S&P to finish.
- Long-grain rice (basmati) got rather mushy. I think arborio or another risotto rice might be better.

I see no reason for this to be made in a crockpot. It would be much faster and easier (and less clean-up) if cooked in a Dutch oven from the beginning. But make it, do!

Leftovers were just as good. My 2/3 recipe was 4 generous servings.

(edited 28th February 2018) (0) comment (0) useful  

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