Flour Water Salt Yeast: The Fundamentals of Artisan Bread and Pizza

Overnight Country Blonde
Page 168
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breads
Recipe Reviews
This is an excellent loaf of bread! There is a small amount of wheat and rye flour that gives this bread a lot more character than your average blonde/white loaf. As the title implies this is a 2 day process and mine needed a couple extra folds and took a while for the initial rise on account of my chilly kitchen. Patience paid off and eventually the dough produced a beautiful, full round boule with a lovely open crumb and wonderful flavor. I baked it to the limit (full 55 minutes) which makes for a darker, but tastier loaf. I halved the levain mixture since I was only making one loaf, and had enough leftover levain to make a batch of pizza dough.
(edited 6th April 2018) (0) comment (0) useful
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