Barbecue Cookbook
By Sunset Books
Sunset Pub Co - 1986
ISBN: 0376020806

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Barbecue Cookbook

Mexican Platter Burger

Page 19

Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses

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Recipe Reviews

21st May 2010

craftymo2002 from Chandler, AZ

This is a giant burger cooked on the grill and prepared open-faced on half of a round loaf of bread. I borrowed the idea and basic recipe, but replaced the ingredients and toppings that would make it Mexican and instead gave it a Cajun twist. The beef was seasoned with Cajun spices (e.g. cayenne pepper, Tony Chachere's seasoning) and topped with Muenster cheese and tangy cole slaw.

This was a great way to serve "pie wedges" of burger to a hungry crowd, in this case, a Superbowl party. One thing I would definitely change about this recipe is to not use lean ground beef, as recommended, but at least 20% fat content (e.g. ground chuck) to keep the burger moist and from getting too dry during the cooking process.

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