French Farmhouse Cookbook
By Susan Herrmann Loomis
Workman Publishing Company - 1996
ISBN: 1563054884

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French Farmhouse Cookbook

Honey and Hazelnut Spread (Confit de Miel et Noisettes)

Page 413

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Spreads

(1 review)


Recipe Review

3rd December 2014

kateq from annapolis, md

I think of this as the 'anti-nutella.' It's quite delicious, lasts forever (if you don't eat it all up right away) contains no palm oil as does Nutella, and is just amazingly versatile. It can fill sandwich cookies, top toast, or do anything else you can think of. You can also mix in some cocoa with the nuts and get a chocolate honey spread that is a knockout.

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