Website: BBC recipes



Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Cookies/Bars

(1 review)

Tags: quick easy cookies shortbread quick and easy

Recipe Review

10th December 2014

friederike from Berlin,

Extremely simple, extremely quick, and quite delicious! I'm only not very sure if they really tasted 100% like what shortbread is supposed to taste - they actually rather reminded me of normal butter cookies.

Some of them I sprinkled with lavender sugar instead of normal caster sugar, which was a nice accent, but not really noticeable. I guess I would have to replace some of the caster sugar in the dough with lavender sugar as well to get a more distinct lavender flavour.

(0) useful  


bunyip - 14th December 2014
Lavender sugar on shortbread! Crimmins! My Scots ancestors are spinning in their graves at the very idea.

If you want to know what shortbread is supposed to taste like, see if you can get hold of some manufactured by Walkers, which is pretty good for commercial stuff.


friederike - 19th December 2014
I used to know what Shortbread tastes like (and I agree that Walkers is very good!), I just haven't had it in a long time. There's too much that needs to be tasted, and I don't eat that many baked goods...

And yeah, lavender-flavoured shortbread is anything but authentic, of course (though wasn't there a special connection between Scotland and France? I thought I had read something like that on BBC recently). I think I may have been subconsciously inspired by this recipe:


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