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Other edition(s)

The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking
By Marcella Hazan
Macmillan - 1995
ISBN: 0333570529

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking
By Marcella Hazan
Knopf - 2010
ISBN: 0307597954

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking
By Marcella Hazan
Knopf - 2010
ISBN: 0307597954

Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking

Sautéed Green Beans with Parmesan Cheese

Page 472

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

25th May 2010


This was very good with haricots verts instead of regular green beans. A good company dish since the beans can be done ahead and the dish finished quickly, just before serving.

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