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Chocolate Sauce / Schokoladensauce
Page 338
| Course Type: Desserts
Tags: chocolate sauce dessert sauce
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
My god, the first real fail in this book! The chocolate sauce ended up being a kind of very thin soup, similar to a cheap hot chocolate (cheap because made with mainly water). We saved it by boiling it for quite a while until it had received the consistency we liked (and boiling it luckily didn't ruin it); next time I definitely wouldn't add any water, or only a tbsp or so if really necessary. Adding just a tiny bit of coffee liqueur was a good idea, it gave it a little more oomph, even though it was so little you couldn't really taste the liqueur.
We made the chocolate sauce to serve with these Grand Marnier Soufflés, as we thought chocolate and orange/Grand Marnier is a tried and tested combination; but unfortunately, the Grand Marnier was too subtle to hold up against the chocolate sauce.
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