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Giada's Family Dinners

Grilled Chicken with Basil Dressing

Page 115

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Recipe Reviews

20th July 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

In this dish, grilled chicken breasts are livened up with a bright-tasting dressing of lemon, oil and basil.

The chicken is first marinated in lemon juice and olive oil and some seasonings – the fennel is a very nice touch – a step that can be done well in advance. While the chicken grills, you blend the dressing ingredients. My blender is not very good with small quantities so my dressing wasn’t as smooth as it could be but it still tasted great with the chicken.

It was a real hit with the meat-eaters in the family – even carnivore son enjoyed it once he got past the colour of the dressing : )!

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