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Sophie Grigson's Feasts for a Fiver

Rhubarb and Orange Jelly with Cardamom

Page 153

| Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

30th May 2010

wester from Soesterberg, Utr

This was lovely. The flavors merge into a new and intriguing flavor where it's pretty hard to make out the individual flavors, just this light fruity total flavor.

When I saw this recipe, I thought there was too much sugar and too little gelatin in it. I was right about the sugar - it's OK to nearly halve it - and wrong about the gelatin.

Next time, I might put one or two strawberries in, because it would look good and because it would go well with the rest.

(edited 20th July 2011) (0) comment (1) useful  

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