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Recipe Reviews
Perfect burgers. The proportions of meat I used were a little off, because the butcher didn't give me exactly what I asked for, but results were delicious nonetheless.
I also suggest certain additional safety precautions when grinding meat (especially in the summer heat) --I put the grinder in the freezer for 30 minutes prior to grinding the meat and put the meat in the fridge between the first and second grinding. Martha Stewart and others have detailed safety instructions. Don't let these safety concerns scare you away from grinding your own meat, grinding at home is much safer than buying ground meat from the store as Keller states (see also,
(edited 24th July 2010) (0) comment (1) useful
KimberlyB from Hermosa Beach, CA
It's not often my husband comments on hamburgers but these he raved about. What could I possibly do different? Well it's in the preparation and it's the ingredients. Twice grinding, the combination of sirloin brisket and chuck, and making sure the strands stay in tact not overworking the meat. Really it makes a difference. Try it! Oh and I added garlic powder, kosher salt and pepper. I'm sure I just made Keller purists cringe with the garlic powder but it was very tasty.
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