Website: David Lebovitz

Fresh Corn Cakes
Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Sides
Tags: corn corn cakes
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
I'm not impressed. They tasted quite nice (but even then: not special) when they were hot and fresh, but from there on, it only went downhill. Admittedly, we used canned corn instead of fresh corn (gasp, faux pas! - our greengrocer didn't seem to have any, and then kiddo woke up and so we had to go home, and then a storm started which prevented us from going out again - yes, really!), but I'm not so sure that really made such a big difference - in any case, I wouldn't expect it to be a factor in whether or not they keep well once they've cooled down. We served these with Seared Tuna with Avocado Salsa, which combined well.
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