Delicious (NL)

Thai Pork with Aubergine / Thaise varkenshaas met aubergines uit de wok
Page 50
Cuisine: Thai | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: pork Thai stir-fry aubergine asian
Recipe Review
friederike from Berlin,
I'm usually quite sceptic about Asian recipes published by non-Asians, but this one was actually fine! I do have two smallish issues: one is that they specified a good but lean cut of pork, which won't work in a stir-fry - the result was bizarrely tender yet dry meat. The other one might have helped the first - I felt this dish could have used some sauce.
kaye16 - 18th September 2015
As I remember Delicious was/is an Australian magazine. That might explain a certain affinity with Asian-influenced foods. I had a subscription for a while, when another magazine I subscribed to folded. This was the substitute. Still have a delicious totebag around somewhere.
friederike - 20th September 2015
That makes a lot of sense, actually. I only know the UK edition, and to my knowledge, there was little overlap regarding topics and recipes so I thought the Dutch edition was independent of the UK one.
kaye16 - 20th September 2015
I had the feeling that there was some independent stuff, but a lot was translation from Australia.
kaye16 - 20th September 2015
Is there still a Dutch edition?
friederike - 21st September 2015
This actually is the Dutch edition :)
I know there was a series with Bill Granger a while back - he's an Australian chef, isn't he?
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