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Delicious Black Bean Burritos


Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: quick easy beans vegan burritos pressure cooker Black beans quick and easy kidney beans wrap travel vegan recipe IP-assisted

Recipe Reviews

20th March 2016

friederike from Berlin,

Very easy and quite nice. We made them twice, once with kidney beans and once with black beans (both canned), and to be honest, I didn't really taste a difference. The kidney bean version might have been a bit creamier but other than that?

Served with guacamole, chopped tomatoes, corn and grilled chicken, and plenty of extra tortillas, this recipe for two is enough for four.

I do think the author missed a chance when she posted the recipe - I mean, why not Brilliant Black Bean Burritos? Come on...

Edited 24 May 2017:
225 g dried black beans, unsoaked, cooked in ca. 1l water, yielded about 480 g, a little more that 15 ounce (425 g). Cooked in about 2 - 2.5 hours. Should have used less water, about 800 ml.

Edited 5 July 2017:
200 g dried black beans, unsoaked, cooked in 700 ml water in a pressure cooker for 25 min; it took about an hour total. Could have used way less water, and less cooking time; maybe 20-22 min?

(edited 30th July 2017) (0) comment (0) useful  

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