Fresh Start: Great Low-fat Recipes, Day-by-day Menus - The Savvy Way to Cook, Eat and Live! (The great good food series)

Roasted Vegetable Melange
Page 204
Recipe Reviews
wester from Soesterberg, Utr
This does taste good (my husband complimented me), and it is very low-fat.
The exact vegetables to use are flexible: I left out asparagus and zucchini, replaced the leek by a mixture of red and white onions, and put in some chick peas. The end result was fine. I think next time I will also experiment with other herbs and spices (fennel seeds? Moroccan or Indian spices, and cilantro?). One thing I will not change is the high amount of members of the allium family, because that gives a nice bold flavor.
You will have to start early - two hours in the oven, and prepping the vegetables will take some time as well. Because of the low fat content, it is not possible to raise the oven temperature to cook faster, because then it will burn.
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