Giuliano Hazan's Thirty Minute Pasta: 100 Quick and Easy Recipes

Fusilli with Sausage and Zucchini
Page 150
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
Very tasty. I made a full recipe of the sauce with about 12oz of pasta. This served 3 very adequately. I used orechiette instead of fusilli.
The recipe took quite a bit longer than 30 minutes, in large part because I seeded the tomatoes. Also, I prepared all the veggies before starting to sauté the onions, so that I could make a salad while the sauce was cooking. If you can use whole tomatoes, you might be able to do everything in parallel has Hazan suggests and be done in 30 min.
I used the Homemade Sausage from this book (and now need to make some more, as this is something I think I want to keep in the freezer!).
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