Italian Food (Penguin Cookery Library)

Peperoni alla piemontese (piedmontese pimentos)
Page 43
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Appetizers
Recipe Reviews
wester from Soesterberg, Utr
So I had this recipe in two cookbooks already (It came from this book, but Simon Hopkinson gives another version in Roast Chicken), but I had to see a photo on a food blog to actually make it (this photo: ). I just didn't notice it before. The ingredients are simple - peppers, tomatoes, garlic, anchovies - but the whole thing just works out fine. Don't forget some nice bread for the juices.
The main differences between the recipes are the cooking time - Simons is much longer and I prefer it that way - and when to add the anchovies - I might experiment with that.
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