Desperation Dinners
By Beverly Mills, Alicia Ross
Workman Publishing Company - 1997
ISBN: 9780761104810

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Desperation Dinners

Greek Pasta

Page 163

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

17th November 2016


Pretty good stuff as I made it...
- The recipe says it serves four. Two of us ate more-or-less the whole thing; might have served three with a salad.
- I had 300g (rather than 1#/454g) of scallops, the kind with the orange bit still attached.
- I used about 7oz of cascareccia. Don't think vermicelli would be the right pasta, at least what I call vermicelli. Spaghetti, perhaps; linguine?
- Had to pit and slice my own black olives; crumbled my own feta. (Someone really pays for feta already crumbled? How much work is that saving?)
Altogether pretty good.

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