Baking for Two: The Small-Batch Baking Cookbook for Sweet and Savory Treats

Peanut Butter Chocolate Surprise Cupcakes
Page 66
| Course Type: Cakes
Recipe Reviews
These were tasty - rich peanut butter flavor - but the chocolate chips didn't melt into the promised "molten chocolate" center. Surprise - Peanut Butter Chocolate chips Cupcakes it is then! This didn't deter anyone from gobbling them up with a strong cup of coffee. The frosting was delicious and easy to work with even though I did use Crazy Richard's Natural peanut butter. The author warns against using natural p.b. but that was all I had and it was perfect for both the cake and the frosting.
Next time I will use chopped chocolate chips over a half filled muffin cup and top with the remaining batter in hopes of a gooey chocolate center.
(edited 16th February 2019) (0) comment (0) useful
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