The Vanilla Bean Baking Book: Recipes for Irresistible Everyday Favorites and Reinvented Classics

Maple-Cinnamon Granola
Page 36
| Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch
Recipe Reviews
So, I did modify this slightly, since the author says in the footnotes that she prefers her granola in smaller pieces, while I find the clumps/clusters much more satisfying. To achieve that I added 1 egg white, and did not stir during baking (at 300 rather than 350). I also added my toasted nuts into the 4 (not 5) cups oats before baking (she adds nuts/fruits after), again in hopes of getting more clusters. I did follow her flavor suggestion of toasted pecans and dried cherries which is great.
This is a light and crisp granola which I find is usually the case with recipes that incorporate olive or canola oil, and I did get nice clusters even if they were a little more fragile.
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