The Vanilla Bean Baking Book: Recipes for Irresistible Everyday Favorites and Reinvented Classics

Cinnamon Rolls
Page 52
| Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch
Recipe Reviews
Fussy and fantastic! I made these over three days - day one mix and fold the dough (as you would bread), day 2 shape into rolls and finally, day three bake and enjoy. The dough was a soft yeasty pillow of a thing and the filling (of which I made extra after reading reviews on her blog) is classic cinnamon sugar - no nuts or other spices. The frosting is applied in a two tier process - first a thin layer just after the rolls are removed from the oven, so it melts into the rolls creating a moist almost gooey texture, then after 20 minutes cooling, another more substantial layer is applied. I am glad I made extra filling, and otherwise they were perfect.
(edited 18th June 2020) (0) comment (0) useful
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