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Other edition(s)

Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1992
ISBN: 0898154901

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
ISBN: 1580081304

The New Moosewood Cookbook (Mollie Katzen's Classic Cooking)
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 2004
ISBN: 1580081355

The Moosewood Cookbook
By Mollie Katzen
Ten Speed Press - 1977
ISBN: 0913668699

The Moosewood Cookbook

Mushroom-Barley Soup

Page 25

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Review

29th September 2010

Cooksbakesbooks from Lincoln, NE

This recipe makes a good vegetarian mushroom-barley soup. I recommend using the smaller amount of tamari (i.e. 3 tablespoons = 15 mL), if that, because it is a bit salty if made as written. This is nice to have a bunch of on hand when it's blowing and cold outside, and then come home to it after a long day. Quite satisfying.

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