Pressure Perfect: Two Hour Taste in Twenty Minutes Using Your Pressure Cooker

Creamy Mashed Potatoes
Page 287
| Course Type: Sides
Tags: potatoes pressure cooker mashed potatoes IP
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
This is basically a two-part recipe: part one, cook otatoes in pressure cooker, part two, proceed to make mashed potatoes like you would with any kind of cooked potatoes.
For such a recipe, using a pressure cooker to cook potatoes is just plain silly. Because pressure cooking is less forgiving, you'll need to cook all potatoes more or less the same size, which will take more effort than plain cooking them on the stove, and because you'll need to factor in extra time for reaching and releasing pressuer (not to mention chopping!), you're not actually gaining anything.
As for part two, we used these amount as guidelines (though didn't measure anything precisely), and it turned out way too liquid. We threw it away.
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