Einfach Hausgemacht
Greek Minced Meat Casserole / Griechischer Hackfleischauflauf
Page 51
Cuisine: Greek | Course Type: Main Courses
Tags: tomato minced meat feta gratins and casseroles casserole orzo risoni
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
One-pot dish that you can easily prepare in advance; just follow the recipe, but stop before adding the yoghurt, pasta and feta. Too bad I only realized this after I had already added the pasta; (possibly) as a result, the pasta came out slightly overcooked while the rest had dried out a little.
We couldn't get orzo and used fusili and chopped cannelloni instead, (which might have been another reason the casserole dried out, if the fusili and cannelloni needed more liquid than orzo would have) and used quark instead of yoghurt.
I'm also not sure yet what to think of the flavours; three kinds of tomatoes can't make up for the fact that it's still just tomatoes as the only vegetable added, and I'm not sure I liked the balance between the spices (esp. cinnamon - generous 1/2 tsp too much?) and feta.
(edited 10th November 2017) (0) comment (0) useful
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