Website: The Black Peppercorn

Pressure Cooker Red Cabbage and Apples


Cuisine: German/Austrian/Swiss | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)

Tags: apples cabbage red cabbage pressure cooker IP

Recipe Reviews

8th December 2017

friederike from Berlin,

I actually merged this recipe with my usual recipe for red cabbage with apples, or rather: I made red cabbage as usual, but instead of cooking it on the stove for an hour plus, I cooked it in the pressure cooker for about 30 min (10 min pressure cooking time, but let's be realistic, it's more than just that).

And I'll have to say that I'm not impressed. For one, pressure cooking cut back somewhat on time, but absolutely none on workload, secondly, because the cabbage wasn't even as soft as I had expected, and last, because even though I had used nearly exactly the same recipe (I used 50 ml less water because I anticipated that less would be able to evaporate in the pressure cooker, and I forgot to add sugar, but added that afterwards), the cabbage tasted much blander than I'm used to. Next time I be back at the stove again.

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