Jane Brody's Good Food Book

Winter Squash Stuffed with Apples and Cheese
Page 401
| Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
I'm rating this because it says it's inspired by the version in the Moosewood Cookbook (but the Moosewood version is the one I made). The recipes are nearly identical, with the exception that Brody uses 2 tablespoons less butter for sauteeing the onions and apples. (I suspect that there's so much cheese in this recipe that it can lose the extra butter easily.)
Brody also does a major service by converting Katzen's more homey amounts (juice of one lemon, 2 apples chopped) into measurable ones (1/4 c. lemon juice, 3 cups chopped apples). I had some questions about the consistency of my filling (it seemed watery), and I think I wouldn't have if I followed these amounts.
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