Vijs At Home: Relax, Honey: The Warmth and Ease of Indian Cooking

Oven-baked Chicken and Potatoes
Page 164
Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
andrew from Vancouver Island, BC
This has a very interesting flavour and is a nice variation on the standard chicken curry. I used dates, as the recipe suggests (you can also use prunes or tamarind paste), and the flavour of the dates permeated the dish, complemented by the interesting spicing. Instead of a standard curry powder, this one has cayenne, garam masala and paprika. The overall effect is a creamy, slightly cinnamony dish, with a nice little bit of heat, but not too much. Great for a dark and wet evening.
Served with rice and chapati, I made half the recipe and it was enough for four reasonable servings.
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