By Angela Boggiano
Cassell Illustrated - 2006
ISBN: 1844035484

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Free-form Cheese, Bacon and Onion Pie

Page 41

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

(1 review)

Tags: bacon cheese pie puff pastry junk food

Recipe Reviews

22nd April 2018

friederike from Berlin,

This seems to be an English version of Kapsalon - lots of things that are delicious on their own because they're heavy on the fat are thrown together in one dish, and the result is... not really delicious, because it's just to much. This pie is nothing but cheese, bacon, and puff pastry, with a fig leaf of potato thrown in.

(edited 29th July 2018) (0) comment (0) useful  

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