Jamie's Dinners
By Jamie Oliver
Michael Joseph - 2004
ISBN: 0718146867

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Other edition(s)

Jamie's Dinners: The Essential family Cookbook
By Jamie Oliver
Penguin - 2006
ISBN: 0141015756

Jamie's Dinners: The Essential Family Cookbook
By Jamie Oliver
Hyperion - 2004
ISBN: 1401301940

Jamie's Dinners

Smashed sautéd Jerusalem artichokes with pancetta and sage

Page 172

(1 review)


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13th November 2010

wester from Soesterberg, Utr

This tasted fine. However, there was nothing in the recipe that called for Jerusalem artichokes in particular. I actually think it would be better with potatoes instead of Jerusalem artichokes. I also thought the vinegar was added at a strange moment, as I don't know what it would be needed for halfway, and at the end there was some serious deglazing to be done.

(edited 13th November 2010) (0) comment (0) useful  

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