Roast Figs, Sugar Snow: Food to Warm the Soul

Pumpkin Tarts with Spinach and Gorgonzola
Page 47
| Course Type: Pies and Tarts
Tags: vegetarian autumn pumpkin blue cheese spinach blue cheese with spinach pumpkin with spinach quiches pies and tarts
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
While the idea as such has potential, I wouldn't recommend to make this recipe 1:1.
First of all, the crust tasted as if it wasn't completely baked; this is dubious as it was pre-baked and should have been perfectly fine. I suspect that the spinach still contained too much liquid and made a mess of the crust. Diana Henry stresses that you should squeeze out all liquid out of the spinach, and I really did, but this doesn't seem to be enough - it really makes me think that you should squeeze it between two bricks. Or use frozen spinach.
Then, there was far too much custard and gorgonzola, and I hadn't even used it all! Given that there was parmesan in the custard, it ended up being really very cheesy, too cheesy even for my taste. I would suggest using about half of the gorgonzola and three quart of the custard; alternatively, you could also use more than half of the gorgonzola but then skip or cut back the amount of parmesan in the custard.
In general, though, I liked the idea of pumpkin, spinach and gorgonzola. If there's no way to reduce the liquid, or if it becomes too dry in taste if you do, or if you just don't want to risk it, you could also just make a (really thin!) gratin without the crust.
(edited 5th July 2011) (0) comment (2) useful
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